Is it real

I’m writing this as a form of therapy. I don’t know if anyone will read it but I guess that it is what it is.

My whole life has been a series of events in which I ended up hurting in one way or another. From surface pain to deep soul crushing pain. It didn’t seem to matter how much I tried to keep my head up I somehow felt like I was always drowning.

You see my whole life I had one dream. This dream kept me alive through some of the most painful events I went through. It had a voice attached to it . It was constant and said the same thing every time. It would say ” I’ll be with you soon” Every time the same voice.

I struggled to gain some self worth. It was a constant battle for me. It was like I’d gain some confidence just to lose it all over some thing that might have been said or done. It was kinda like walking on lava stones up Mount Fuji. 2 steps forward..1 step back. I never understood why I couldn’t get past a certain point.

Through it all, I fought. My dream stayed consistent. Maybe it was just that. A dream. All I knew was that I felt that there was more out there than just what I was experiencing. Beyond the expectations of those who had every bit of control over me.

Then out of the blue. I fell deeply into love. My very first time. I. Was terrified and didn’t know what to do. I tried to stay calm but I felt like I was losing my mind. Everything was different. Everything was brighter. I felt like I was flying.. It was the first time that I had felt something that wasn’t expected by others. I felt free.

Unfortunately for me the story stayed the same. For the smallest amount of freedom I felt there was a crashing in which my soul felt like it had been crushed beyond repair. I felt like a pet project like a time waster. My dream had been crushed. I seriously didn’t understand. My fear which had disappeared had reared it’s ugly head and I once again started to feel like I wasn’t worth anything. Not worthy of this dream that had kept me alive. To love as to be loved. I’ve watched so many people who have this uncanny ability to just be loved. Truthfully I’m happy for them but I also keep asking myself.”why am I not worth love”.

Between that drowning and all the health issues I have had to go through. I have asked myself if it was worth it and I am so sorry to say for me it wasn’t. Because since then I have battled my mental health and have tried to keep it on a even level but it has become such a war to do so. I have tried to stay positive about it and sometimes I have actually felt like I had made headway, but then there are days where I feel like I can’t breathe. All I can do is pray that somehow I can refeel that feeling again.

So, I ask the question.. is it real or is Love a construct of a mind that craves to belong? Maybe I’ll get my answer maybe not!

I am NOT naive!

Sometimes people really surprise me. Quite frankly I give some people the benefit of doubt until they show me how blaitenly they disregard my intelligence. Now, I’m not going to say I know everything because I don’t,but I practice quiet observation.

It’s exhausting to try and hold myself up all the time. My body may be failing but my mind is still very sharp. My sister used to say that I am a lifelong student. She wasn’t wrong when she was so right. But, lately some have actually said and treated me as if I’m so stupid and naive.

Blanten disrespect of my intelligence to me is an insult. You see, I had to learn to protect myself from all forms of abuse and bullying. By learning as much as I could. I have not now nor have ever considered myself as being stupid.

Quite observation is an everyday occurrence for me. It was one of the first things I learned when I was working with a private investigator as a cheating investigator. If you think that I don’t realize or know then it’s more probable than not that I already know and realize. And most times I see things that others don’t. But taking for granted that I am naive or that I wouldn’t notice, wouldn’t be a viable choice to make. Trust me!

There are those who would attribute this to ego,but to them I say NO IT’S NOT!! To me ego is pride. There is an old adige that says “Pride goeth before a fall”. That to me means that just because I know what I know doesn’t mean that there’s not anymore. I stay humble about the knowledge that I have and stay open to keep learning the new.

Everyday I strive to learn the new. I just don’t accept the idea that what I am shown is all there is.

If anyone think that I don’t get things, they couldn’t be more wrong. You see being an empathetic helps. It allows me to be open to the invisible. And such I pick up on things that stay hidden for the most part. From emotions to structure of the outward and the inner , I can get the facts of what’s there . It amazes me what becomes visible when you don’t limit yourself to what society deems as the norm.

I hold things like empathy, compassion, kindness and Love very very close. These things money cannot buy. Some literally have looked at these abilities as a weakness,but I’m here to say that they are not. I use them as a form of knowledge. It gives me the ability to learn from them.

What I don’t get is why some people attribute everything that I am to someone that I am not. I struggle daily with the notion that I am not worthless. That feeling comes from being told,and treated like I am daily. That I’m dumb,stupid,and that I’m garbage. It was beaten into me every day. I came to actually believe that I was. It has taken years for me to get to the place I am now. But, as some others,I need reassurance from time to time. When I get that reassurance my confidence raises..

I just wish that others would see me for who I am and not for who I am not. Here’s a fact for you to ponder on. If you think that I am naive or that I am stupid, or that I can’t see things, which usually are right in front of my eyes. Think again because I will surprise you with everything I have. The smartest thing that you can do is never underestimate me because you would be so wrong about me. The truth will always reveal itself.

” They can try and limit visibility but they can never be able to hide the truth. For to evil the truth becomes a double edged sword.”©

Pay Attention!!!

Disclaimer: some people may not like what I have to say but I believe that it needs to be said!!

To say that I’m disappointed in many people who I thought were intelligent is an understatement. If you’re only interested in calling people names who have a difference of opinion than you and are not paying attention to anything else then you are blind. This country was built on a difference of opinion. Lest you forget.

The earth is revolting and if you don’t think it affects you then you are just ignorant to the truth. Do you honestly think that the people who are in charge give any credence to your opinion or safety? They actually don’t! Years ago I told you to buckle up because it was about to get very bumpy. Many of you viewed me as a conspiracy nut. But here we are..From Mexico to Taiwan to Guam, Japan and many points in between the earth is revolting and yelling to the people who occupy her,but have you listened? No you haven’t. In fact what you have done is become drones for those same people who could give a care less about you or your family. What a pity truthfully. Instead of thinking for yourselves; you’ve allowed others to dictate how you feel and think. There used to be a time in this country when we helped each other and made sure that everyone was safe. But for some reason you’ve listened to those people who are getting rich by funding both sides of this and stayed divided amongst ourselves. They actually are laughing behind closed doors. You want proof? Take a good look around. Look at the tent cities and all the homeless people. Now, look at the ones who are telling you how to think. Do you see a difference?

Some of us can barely get one meal a day to eat. Do you think for one minute that they go without? Many of us wake up every day and fight to survive another day. Do they? No!!! They can eat when they want to and get their bills paid for, while we ( who by the way they think we are to stupid to run our own lives) fight for everything we have.

Now, we can decide to stay divided and told what to think and how to be or we can choose to remember that we are one race ( the human race) and start to live accordingly. The choice is ultimately yours however time isn’t being friendly to us. The earth is yelling and if we don’t listen to it then we might not have the time to reverse course.

Pay Attention before it’s too late !!!

Now I can let go

Today has been a flurry of emotions for me. Most who know me know of the abuse that I’ve suffered and shared. I chose to share these experiences with everyone because it was very important to me for others to know what my mindset has been. And just maybe it would give other survivors hope.

I didn’t realize that I had carried so much baggage from everything I went through. Anger, guilt,hate towards myself and others. I’ve always said I am a survivor but I kept the fact that I was a victim too without admitting that to myself. I tried to convince myself that I was not garbage even though I felt like I was every day. I felt so low of myself due to the scars I bare. I tried to convince myself that I was strong and that I was ok. But I put it in the deepness of myself with hopes that I wouldn’t ever have to deal with it. I thought i had done a good job with that but if today has shown me it really wasn’t buried.

Today’s case win for Johnny Depp wasn’t only a win for him but for me and everyone else who has ever suffered through experience like this. For him he got his name cleared. For me I can now let go of the anger and guilt I have carried my whole life. I felt it was my fault. That I was somehow I had done something wrong. That the only thing I was worthy of was this abuse, because it was so normal every day life for me.

Until recently I held myself that I was strong even though I felt so weak and vulnerable. I self isolated myself because I felt like everyone would judge me. This was before I even said anything. I was so terrified around anyone. I saw myself as being unlovable. I had been convinced that I was. It had been beaten into me. When I’d looked into my mirror I saw the ME that carried no scars. Not the real me. The one who carries more scars than I can even mention. I pretended to be the version of me that was perfect. I figured that if I portrayed myself that way I could hide the immense pain I felt in my soul. So I poured myself into situations where I could portray that strength. I didn’t consider it a lie, but more of a protection around myself. But it WAS a lie. I wasn’t that strong vibrant woman. I was carrying a weight that almost drowned me. For the past week or so my minds been in a very dark space I’ve even thought that maybe it be better for everyone if I didn’t exist.

I didn’t have the opportunity to get my justice with everything. And everyone that had abused me has died. They were preachers,elders of churches, missionaries and teachers and an ex husband. People who told me to do what I was told to. I carried that also with me thru my whole life. I expected to be told what to do and then did it without question. But, now I can let that go.

Now, I can let go of this dark cloud which has been my curse. Now I can see the real me in the mirror. And hopefully keep my dreams alive. Who knows what the future holds.

I’ve Dreamt

I would like to tell you a story

Growing up they way I did. And going through everything I did. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have particular dreams. Dreams,which yes most little girls have. Although,for me, it wasn’t the typical dream of a house with a white picket fence,2 kids and a garage. Mine was more ; at least to me was simplified. It was simple. I just dreamt of someone who loved me and who I could love back. I guess that in a way you could say that dream kept me alive. At least, it kept my heart alive. To me that dream was a hope that never died. No matter what I went through,as long as I kept that dream I was going to be okay.

Growing up that dream followed me into adult hood with the voice telling me it would be ok. Over the years it became louder and prominent. It would say” Don’t worry.. I’ll be with you soon and it’s going to be okay.” It became a place inside me that I could run to during the times I was going through beatings. And I held onto it so tight during my recovery from the attack. As the years past however, it started to become evident that my hope may have been for not. But,as life is… It has this habit of smacking you right when you think you’re losing hope. That’s what happened to me. It gave me that dream.

It was something that I’d never felt before. I couldn’t even catch my breath. I felt like I was flying. But, if you would to ask me if I knew what I was doing. I wouldn’t tell you a lie and say yes. Because I didn’t.. I was terrified to let go and accept things. And when I say terrified I mean it was a fear I’d never experienced before. I asked myself so many questions about it and of myself. Like.. Was I worthy?.. Did I deserve it? Am I good enough to love… So many questions.. And everyday it became more and more of second guessing my choices and feelings. You see. I’d learn to accept the fact that I was garbage.( That’s what happens when you are told over and over that you are garbage) I actually believed that I was. I did things because I was told to and for me if I didn’t then I’d get punished someway. From being tormented everyday emotionally,psychologically, and physically. I learned really quickly that my feelings weren’t important. So imagine how I felt when they were shown to be incredibly important. It was unimaginable to me. For the first time in my life I felt like I was the only girl on the planet. Ya ya I know some would sneer about that but it was true.

For the first time in my life I felt that my heart was safe. You see that’s what comfort is to me. It’s knowing for certainty that my heart IS safe. That’s my peace. But even with that I was still terrified. I was just existing up to this point. I had a serious broken spirit. That was a result of years upon years of being broken down every day with all the sheer disappointments not only in myself but in my life. To made to feel like I was insignificant, invisible. I didn’t know anything else. To me it was norm everyday life. But when this happened I was flying blind. I would wake everyday eager to face the day. I actually had a bounce in my step. I had a smile that wouldn’t quit. I felt my feelings for the first time. I felt my soul. And the feeling I had was so overwhelming sometimes that I’d have to stop and ask myself if I was truly feeling what I was. And that feeling started me to over think everything to start making mistakes. I was trying to be perfect. I had thought that if I was that I wouldn’t lose anything else. But it had the adverse effect on me. By trying to be perfect I forgot a lot of simple things. I became this overly excited person that stopped thinking cognitively. Ya, I had to accept the fact that I wasn’t perfect. Then that fear which had been festering inside creeped out of it’s hiding spot. And per usual I started to become so scared that I wouldn’t do the right thing or say the right thing. And that I would eventually lose . So I ended up over compensating. You see the heart learns over time to protect itself and ends up creating doubts for that protection. And when you already are broken it’s hard not to fall back into those doubts.

Part of that dream was for me to hear those words that are so powerful all the time. I swore I’d never tire of hearing them. “I LOVE YOU “ To me those words mean everything. Others throw them away like they have no meaning but I had never heard them said before with that certainty. That was as an insatiable hunger. Almost I guess like a bubble of protection around my heart. So when those words weren’t spoken. The demons of doubt creeped out and took over ..

So, you have heard my story. How you can live your life with such dreams. But how your heart can create such a mess with self doubt. Even though it feels it doubting it’s real. As I sit here writing this. I keep asking myself how to turn this around so I stop doubting and making mistakes. Is that wrong? How do I fix this? I’ve never been authentically loved before. All I know is that my heart loves deeply and authentically. Maybe sometimes too much. I just don’t want to lose this feeling.©

To my Heart be true💕

Have you gone crazy?

Have you all lost your dam minds?… It is truly a sad day when I see people I gave credit to as being reasonable and intelligent lose what stability I believed they showed.

Look, I get it not having things stay the same has created division amongst people but why in the name of god would you fight amongst each other. Do you not realize that’s what people want? Why would you give those who have over the years proven to be spurgs any ammunition. It is a sad day when I have to take out my mommas boots out of my closet and say these things. STOP IT!!!!!! Take a good hard look as to why we have survived, and act accordingly.

I have always tried to spread Love and light and positivity. It’s unfortunate that some would show blatant disregard towards others, throw shade or any other things which would end up dividing us. Since when do we snap at each other and act as if our behavior is acceptable.

Look, this internet is so big there is always new lore to find to spurg to, without going after each other. Try wearing someone’s shoes before you snap at each other… This world is so full of hate, now why the hell would you add to it. When was the last time you spoke kindly towards someone? Showed decency, or kindness? Must it be said that you get back what you throw out there into the world? THATS A FACT!!!! As we are all frequencies we get what we project.. It’s very simple. Darkness divides…Light brings us together.

Now, I realize that some will say it’s a bunch of hogwash.. well, let me give you an example of what I mean… When you see someone possibly having a bad day reach out.. Before you say anything… Ask yourself if what your about to say necessary, or if it would hurt someone. let me ask you something.. Does telling someone to go die kind or necessary? Is acting superior than others benefitting you or them? Is doxing or swatting{ which has happened to me.. YES lil ole me} anyone going to give you any satisfaction? You do realize under the skin we all bleed the same color right?

I sit here shaking my head trying to figure out why some whom I actually thought were intelligent and respected would decide that the internet is so small that they felt a need to go after the ones they have dealt with for years. I have shown loyalty to those who have been loyal too me and I care about people I’ve come to know over the years. I choose to not become what others believe I am or what they’d like for me to be. It’s simple!!! The choice ultimately is yours.. Lest it be me to tell you all how to live your lives. But before you decide to do or say things out of a rush or reacting to certain things… Look into the mirror and ask yourselves “Is this what is needed at this time?” or ” Is there something I can do to create a better situation?”

Look at all the hatred in this world and don’t be like the ones who feed off of it. Instead, be authentic and show your heart…..

But just in case you least forget… Check below

I’m pretty pissed off😡

I want to say something..
For just about the past several weeks I’ve listened to the most uneducated people talk about someone who has an extreme form of an eating disorder. They believe that by sending hate,shame and trying to get her deplatformed that it’s actually going to help her. Well, everyone needs to “FULL STOP”. Let me explain to you quite succinctly that by doing what you are you are NOT helping her in fact what you are doing will cause more pain.

Exactly what is it with you people who think that by shaming or attacking her somehow is helping her. Do you even think? How dare you use her for views,clicks,and clout! The shame belongs on your shoulders not hers.

Has it ever crossed your mind what courage it must take for her to make videos and show herself? Or have you ever thought that by her being on social media she’s actually able to interact with people when she must feel so isolated by real life? Obviously none of you have. And that’s your bad not hers.

I know what it’s like to feel like you’re being an outcast by society and I also know what it’s like to live a life of isolation due to that feeling. And let me explain to you it’s not fun nor easy. None of you have ever walked in her shoes and I do believe that if you had you might view things differently. You guys have a vast following and you ARE responsible for what you put out into this sphere. Quit playing online doctor and psychiatrist. You have no qualifications to do so. In fact I’m going to give you all a piece of advice. If indeed you care for her as you claim DO NOT SHUN HER JUST SUPPORT HER COURAGE!!!

I’ve heard people say she’s encouraging others to be like her.. pffttt… that’s about the most stupidest thing I’ve heard yet. Did you ever think that’s the farthest thing she’s thinking? In fact did it ever cross your mind that she’s trying to educate people by sharing her life? Sometimes it’s the only thing a person has.

You know, I gave someone this advice this morning and I do believe that it applies here as well. What these types of people don’t realize is that it’s the survival of the pain that we go thru that makes us not the actions of the circumstance. So for once in your lives quit trying to dictate how others should live thiers. And for God sakes quit using her. If you really care then give her the FLAME OF HOPE

Thanks for listening altho I’m sure the ones who this post applies to won’t read this…

My Apology To My Heart

Sometimes, it takes a smack of harsh reality to accept ones own faults.

This isn’t easy for me but for the grief and the devastating effects of my own heart and soul exploding I am solely to blame..The one reflecting in my mirror is the one that is responsible. You see I made a promise to my Heart that I broke. Let me try to write and explain my faults.

When my Heart and I started being together he explained to me that I had to be careful about what I wrote and posted. Things and people would take and create problems for him in ways that I wouldn’t understand. I made the promise that I would be careful, but I eventually broke that promise. Not out of malice but fear. It doesn’t really matter what excuse there was for it I broke not only The promise I had made to him but his trust in me.

Everything was fine until things took place beyond either one of our control and I became so scared of losing the one dream..My Heart that instead of taking a step back and breathing like I should have. I went and made several posts about it. It is ultimately my own fault. It always has been. I let fear take control and caused more problems than it solved. I became my own worst enemy as a result of my actions. For that I’ll never be able to forgive myself. After things calmed down and he told me of his extreme disappointment in my actions I deleted the posts and locked my account ( but locking my account didn’t have anything to do with him but others). I tried to explain away my own fault by placing blame on him. Another brilliant mistake on my part.

Fear makes people do things they wouldn’t normally do. And I’m no exception. I was terrified. I’d waited my whole life for my dream my one Heart. In one fall swoop I caused my own self to lose it. Since then I’ve had sleepless nights, nightmares,loss of appetite and my hair falling out by strands and constant bloody noses. My problem was I didn’t want to accept my fault in it. My own body revolted against me due to my fighting my own responsibly to the pain I caused my Heart. So..

To my Heart.. I am so sorry for hurting you and creating such problems. It’s my fault. If you could see inside my own heart you’d see how truthful my words are. There’s no way for me to show you my sincerity in my apology except to take the accountability of my own fault in this. Maybe one day you’ll be able to forgive me and let me earn back some trust again. I can only hope that is possible. Please forgive me.

I don’t want to lose the love in my heart because I have hurt you so badly. I am asking for forgiveness from the Heart which I know continues to care and in some form still Love me. I can only hope that you can see past my imperfections because I’m not perfect nor will I ever be. I can’t pretend to be either.

This has not been easy to say for me. To face your own faults isn’t ever easy.

My Nightmares and Life

Right off the bat,I wish to clarify a few things. First, when I share things that happen in my life. It’s not because I want or need sympathy. It’s two fold. One is because if I didn’t talk about things and hold it in I’d become explosive. That’s the last thing I need. The second reason is because after talking with my therapist he told me not to stop sharing my life. Good,bad,or indifferent. It’s a form of releasable therapy. The second thing I wish to clarify is that I do live my life in solitude. Almost always have. With a few exceptions,I’ve lived virtually alone. Scared,and absolutely terrified of the world. I guess it’s because I’ve dealt with so much negative stuff in my life. I’ve gone as far as asking if I’m cursed because I have more negative stuff happen then good. But thru it all I’ve seemed to find the strength somehow to carry it thru. Now here’s where it’s changed.

I’ve dealt with reoccurring nightmares for a very longtime. From 3- 30 foot spitting vipers chasing me to trying to find Bonzai in this abandoned house made up of wooden bridges. I can hear her cries but can’t find her. To the feeling of drowning where I can see the edge of the water but can’t reach it That’s just a few examples of the nightmares. I hate having them normally I think anyone would, but for the past few months my nightmares have become more…. let’s say real. I can tell you the smells,the texture of the things I have in my hands,colors,and everything else that a person would sense if they were actually there. I’ve been told these are lucid dreams. More nightmarish then dreams for me I guess. Most of my recurring nightmares it takes me several hours of trying to calm down before I can return to relaxing but with these lucid dreams (nightmares) it’s been taking days to get back from them. And it’s starting to take an emotional toll on me. I wake exhausted from my emotions. I try desperately to shake things off but sometimes it’s to no avail. Some have even told me that I just need to let it go and forget about it.. please I’d actually like to see them try to wear my shoes just once and see if they can take their own advice.

Now, in my whole life there has been only one time when I didn’t have these nightmares. But, unfortunately I don’t have access to that opportunity anymore. It was when my heart was happy. As I think back on it. It was when my dreams were filled with beauty and Love and desires my own heart had dreamt of my whole life. Just short of a full year when I felt loved,cared for,safe and beautiful. But,as I’ve stated I do not have that anymore. God knows I wish I did! I’ve never known that type of comfort before. I doubt I will again unless I regain the access I once had.I try and be a strong person but the truth is I’m extremely vulnerable and end up breaking alot. I pick myself back up and rebuild myself but to be really honest I’m so tired of fighting for my dreams when I keep having these nightmares and being so scared all the time.

Now, I spoke of how I’ve spent the majority of my life in solitude. One reason being so scared of the world. The other reason is that I can go into a crowed room and be bombarded by so many emotions of others that it literally takes my breath away. I sense things others cant. Like pain,saddness,fear. I’ve been this way my whole life. I guess in a way that’s one reason I’ve clung to love and light so much. I mean I’ve walked up to people at times and said things like I’m so sorry for your loss or you’re stronger then you realize just to have them look at me like I was nuts and I’ve overheard them ask each other how the hell did I know. Besides being incredibly shy and being back in quarantine again under Dr’s orders thoes are the biggest reasons I’ve lived in basic solitude my whole life.

In a few short weeks I’ll turn 63 ( and before any of you decide to call me a boomer best know I can have you under a table before you know what happened..lmao)and by all accounts I should be dead but for some reason I’ve defied the odds and am still here. Or maybe the devil just doesn’t want my little ass yet. Who knows why. I’ve never had a birthday cake or party and have gotten only one present ever which was made for me which I continue to watch to this day. My father was extremely strict with these types of things and as a result I haven’t had the joy of experiencing things like others have. Growing up I lived my life in servitude. I had hoped that this year would be different but with these nightmares and lucid dreams I don’t think I’ll be having any party or feelings of happiness.

All I know, is that I need a series of breaks positive breaks not negative ones. But I don’t know how to fix this. My own heart cries all the time these days. The one thing which I want and desire more than anything in this world which kept me safe I can not have,so what do I do?

If you’ve taken the time to read this Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. You’ll never know what this means to me. I just wanted to clarify a few things.© ~~Shy~~

Mywork,My Heart

Most of you know that I am a writer and that I write poetry of dreams,desires,passions,and things in my heart. I write about my emotions regardless if they are of grief or happiness. Most know I have had several pieces published within an Anthology. This includes The Hunters Muse,amongst other pieces. It’s been a dream of mine not only to have my pieces published but to publish my own poetry book… It’s taken me several years to be convinced my pieces were good enough to be shared let alone published. The past two days I have been dealing with a situation that I as a writer have personally never dealt with before. Let me explain

As I’ve said I write poetry. Lately I’ve been writing 6 word poetry. Phrases which mean something to me. Words hold meaning for me and these pieces I write,I don’t write flippintly or take for granted. Most every piece I write has a specific purpose. They come from the deepest parts of my heart and soul.

Yesterday I woke to a message from someone who stated that they were interested in buying a specific piece. One of my 6 word poetry pieces. Not only did they want to buy it they wanted to buy the copywrites to it. Considering that I had just woken up I had asked for some time to collect my thoughts and immediately asked for advice on the matter. Now, I have sold some of my pieces including opening up commissions to sell some pieces. Each time I have not had any issues with any regard. But for some reason, this situation didn’t sit well in my gut. I was extremely uncomfortable with it. So after speaking with several people that I trust explicitly. I decided to give it till today to answer this person. They had said they understood that I needed time so I could speak with my lawyer about this and that they would too. Here’s when the cringe factor went from 0 to 100 in seconds. I woke today after a needed nap to find a message from this person stating after speaking to their lawyer to nevermind and that they could use said piece simply by changing a capital letter. That they were only going to pay me 400 for the piece anyway and then laughed about it.I tried to explain the piece in question was already published and that this wasn’t a good take to do to writers on this platform. Their immediate respons to me was that they had no intention of stepping on my toes and that they were a fan of mine and that they had offered to buy the copywrites to it and laughed again. My Heart went straight into my gut.I felt completely taken. I didn’t know what to do. I took screenshots of everything which had been discussed in dms to protect myself. And even asked if I should out this person for what I felt was a blatant attempt to steal my work. I asked if it would be slander if I posted these dms. Now, during this time I had made a call to a lawyer who returned my call and promptly told me that I needed to trademark my shorter pieces. The exact advice that I had been given by someone I trust explicitly. So I will be working to now trademark my shorter pieces. I don’t have a problem opening up commissions if someone wants to purchase a piece. And there are some pieces I will never ever agree to sell. But to just take it and then laugh about that fact that they can.. to me is unconscionable. As of a little over an hour ago I’ve blocked this person. Writers write from the very depths of their souls. They don’t use words lightly and thoes words should never be taken for granted.

My words ARE my Heart…💗©